सीता माता पर मंत्री गुढ़ा दे गए ये विवादित बयान, बीजेपी भड़क गई!| Gudha Speech Controvercy
Minister Gudha gave this controversial statement on Sita Mata, BJP got angry! Gudha Speech Controversy
Minister Gudha gave this controversial statement on Sita Mata, BJP got angry! Gudha Speech Controversy
एक बार फिर से मंत्री राजेंद्र गुढ़ा के बोल बिगड़ गए। इस बार तो गुढ़ा ने अपनी तुलना माता सीता से कर दी है। गुढ़ा कह रहे हैं कि सीता की इसी सुंदरता के पीछे भगवान राम और रावण पागल थे।वैसे ही मेरे पीछे भी अशोक गहलोत और पायलट भाग रहे है। आखिर गुढ़ा ने बयान कहा और कब दिया ये भी हम आपको बताएंगे, लेकिन पहले सुनिए आखिर गुढ़ा ने क्या कुछ कहा। गुढ़ा ने ये बयान गुढ़ा कस्बे के अस्पताल में डिजिटल एक्स रे मशीन के शुभारंभ समारोह दिया। गुढ़ा के इस बयान पर पायलट और गहलोत कुछ कहे लेकिन इससे पहले उनके इस बयान के बाद अब बीजेपी भड़क गई है। इसे लेकर मंत्री गजेंद्र सिंह शेखावत ने ट्वीट करते हुए कहा कि हिंदुओं की हंसी उड़ाने और अपने वोट बैंक की चमचाई करने के लिए कितना नीचे गिरेंगे ये कांग्रेसी? भारत की आस्था प्रभु श्रीराम को पागल बताते हुए राजस्थान सरकार के मंत्री राजेंद्र गुढ़ा को स्वयं के अस्तित्व पर शर्म नहीं आई?यह जानबूझकर दिया गया बयान है। ऐसे ही बयानों की वजह से आज कांग्रेस की स्थिति “शूर्पणखा” जैसी है। रावण की बहन के साथ क्या हुआ था! गहलोत जी के ख़ास मंत्री को ये पता तो होगा।
मंत्री राजेंद्र गुढ़ा ने पहली बार विवादित बयान नहीं दिया है। इससे पहले भी कई बार अपने ऐसे ही बयानों से वो चर्चा में रहे हैं। बीते दिनों राजेंद्र गुढ़ा ने अपने विधानसभा क्षेत्र के अफसरों से कहा था कि उनके इलाके में सड़कों को कटरीना कैफ के गालों को तरह बनाना होगा। इससे पहले उन्होंने कहा कि सड़कों को हेमा मालिनी के गाल की तरह होना चाहिए, लेकिन बाद में बोले कि हेमा मालिनी तो बुड्ढी हो गई हैं। इससे पहले एक बार राजेंद्र गुढ़ा ने छात्रों से कहा था कि वो जिस पार्टी से चुनाव लड़ते हैं, उसमें प्रतियोगी को फंड दिया नहीं जाता, उससे लिया जाता है।
कटरीना कैफ के गालों जैसी सड़क बनाने के राजेंद्र गुढ़ा के बयान पर खुद सीएम अशोक गहलोत ने आपत्ति जताई थी। उन्होंने कहा था कि बयान देते वक्त सबकी प्रतिष्ठा का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। इसके बाद भी राजेंद्र गुढ़ा के विवादित बयानों का सिलसिला नहीं रुका। अब उन्होंने माता सीता और भगवान राम के बारे में विवादित बयान दे दिया। इसे लेकर अब राजस्थान में सियासत के गरमाने के आसार हैं। आपका इसे लेकर क्या कुछ कहना है, कॉमेंट बॉक्स में लिखकर बता सकते हैं।
Once again the words of Minister Rajendra Gudha got spoiled. This time Gudha has compared himself to Mother Sita. Gudha is saying that Lord Rama and Ravana were mad behind this beauty of Sita. Similarly, Ashok Gehlot and Pilot are running after me. After all, Gudha made a statement and we will tell you when he gave it, but first listen, what did Gudha do? Once again the words of Minister Rajendra Gudha got spoiled. This time Gudha has compared himself to Mother Sita. Gudha is saying that Lord Rama and Ravana were mad behind this beauty of Sita. Similarly, Ashok Gehlot and Pilot are running after me. After all, Gudha made a statement and we will tell you when he gave it, but first listen to what Gudha said. Gudha gave this statement at the inauguration ceremony of Digital X-ray machine in Gudha town hospital. Pilot and Gehlot should say something on Gudha’s statement, but before this, after his statement, now BJP has flared up. Regarding this, Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat tweeted that how low will these Congressmen stoop to make fun of Hindus and make a splash of their vote bank? Describing India’s faith in Lord Shriram as insane, Rajasthan government minister Rajendra Gudha is not ashamed of his own existence? This is a deliberate statement. Due to such statements today the condition of Congress is like “Shurpanakha”. What happened to Ravana’s sister? The special minister of Gehlot ji must know this.
Minister Rajendra Gudha has not given a controversial statement for the first time. Even before this, he has been in discussion many times with his similar statements. In the past, Rajendra Gudha had told the officers of his constituency that the roads in his area would have to be made like the cheeks of Katrina Kaif. Earlier he said that the roads should be like the cheeks of Hema Malini, but later said that Hema Malini has become old. Earlier, once Rajendra Gudha had told the students that funds are not given to the contestants in the party from which they contest elections, they are taken from them.
CM Ashok Gehlot himself objected to Rajendra Gudha’s statement of making a road like the cheeks of Katrina Kaif. He had said that everyone’s reputation should be kept in mind while giving statements. Even after this, the series of controversial statements of Rajendra Gudha did not stop. Now he has given a controversial statement about Mother Sita and Lord Ram. There are chances of political heat in Rajasthan regarding this. What do you have to say about this, you can tell by writing in the comment box. Yes. Gudha gave this statement at the inauguration ceremony of Digital X-ray machine in Gudha town hospital. Pilot and Gehlot should say something on Gudha’s statement, but before this, after his statement, now BJP has flared up. Regarding this, Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat tweeted that how low will these Congressmen stoop to make fun of Hindus and make a splash of their vote bank? Describing India’s faith in Lord Shriram as insane, Rajasthan government minister Rajendra Gudha is not ashamed of his own existence? This is a deliberate statement. Due to such statements today the condition of Congress is like “Shurpanakha”. What happened to Ravana’s sister? The special minister of Gehlot ji must know this.
Minister Rajendra Gudha has not given a controversial statement for the first time. Even before this, he has been in discussion many times with his similar statements. In the past, Rajendra Gudha had told the officers of his constituency that the roads in his area would have to be made like the cheeks of Katrina Kaif. Earlier he said that the roads should be like the cheeks of Hema Malini, but later said that Hema Malini has become old. Earlier, once Rajendra Gudha had told the students that funds are not given to the contestants in the party from which they contest elections, they are taken from them.
CM Ashok Gehlot himself objected to Rajendra Gudha’s statement of making a road like the cheeks of Katrina Kaif. He had said that everyone’s reputation should be kept in mind while giving statements. Even after this, the series of controversial statements of Rajendra Gudha did not stop. Now he has given a controversial statement about Mother Sita and Lord Ram. There are chances of political heat in Rajasthan regarding this. What do you have to say about this, you can tell by writing in the comment box.